New wipers

Very simple job that goes a long way towards making the Craigslist Miata a lot nicer looking. An email from our friends at Project-g letting us know that the reconditioned wipers for the NA were back in stack, and way nicer than anything you can do over a long weekend. Check for availability. Now it doesn’t look like I got a ticket every time I walk up to the car.
PRO TIP: The blue tape really helped when it came time to reinstall

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Suspension restore day 3

Because no good suspension restoration is complete without enjoying the fruits of one’s labor. Over 100 miles of solid carving along Mullholland Drive and the slop in the front suspension seemed to be gone. The non-pressurized power steering proved to be intrusive to the newly refined driving experience (until topped off), but boy does the Craigslist Miata soak up the bumps with new bushings.
PRO TIP: Always stop to enjoy the views

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Suspension restore day 2

After feeling defeat from our O’reily’s sourced socket set, a trip to the Home Depot for some serious tool corralling.
PRO TIP: Breaker bars, blue gloves and are your friend
AMATEUR MOVE: Don’t tighten down one side without the links being in place on the other

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I was looking at Instagram and saw something about the Optima Ultimate Film Fest. They were looking for video of cars being pushed to the limit. Turns out there was an action cam category. 100% POV. 2:00 limit. Thanks to the ride along from the Mazda Ice Academy, we got that.

-Shot: GoPro Hero4 Black
-Edit: Final Cut Pro 7
-Song: Pomade by Silent Partner

UPDATE: SNOW DRIFT was chosen and screened at the Optima Ultimate Film Festival at FDNJ and is in the running for the finals at SEMA. Sorry but they told me I had to take the link down until then.

New Wheels

I always loved old cars with new wheels, the only problem with these NB Sport rims by Enkei were that they needed a good scrubbing. A bucket of car wash, some new brushes and a handle of Simple Green should do the trick. Also, first time playing with Plastidip. Plan is two coats of black base, one coat of gold (when I can find it) finally followed by some clear. Let’s see how this goes.

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